Searching The Internet
S tart with a small database search tool -- Yahoo
  Conduct this search to get a grasp on the types of resources that a available on the Internet. Yahoo will give you a very good representation. This gives you a chance to identify both the good and bad hits you will be getting and a chance to identify the keywords that are common to both the good and bad hits, both equally valuable.
E dit search phrase as a result
  Create a boolean search expression from the common words discovered in your Yahoo search. Ex:
(Earthquake OR seismology) NOT (engineer OR prediction OR individual)
A dvance into a large database search engine -- Altavista or Excit
  Use your edited search expression on a large database such as Alta Vista or Excite.
R efine search phrase
  Again, examine the good and bad hits, identify more key words and incorporte them in your search expression...refine your search phrase.
C ycle back and Advance again
  Pretty clear!
H arvest resources
  Good Luck!