Advanced Internet
Harnett County, NC

February 23, 1998


I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed our session yesterday. I had said that there was a big difference between doing workshops in states without curriculum standards and North Carolina. Working with media specialists in Harnett County has always been the exception. With all that you have to do, you all still recognize the potential. You realize how that classroom could become the most exciting place in the universe. Thank you for your time and interest and for inviting me to your staff development day.

-- dave --

  URLs That we Discussed
Harnett County's Theme-based Web Site Listing
Global SchoolNet Foundation
The DPI InfoWeb
LEARN North Carolina
Teachers Connect

Searching the Internet

Remember that searching the Internet is a process and not a one step thing.  The following is only a model for beginning the development of your search skills.  Also, remember the search tool that I have on the Internet at:

S tart with a small database search tool -- Yahoo
  Conduct this search to get a grasp on the types of resources that a available on the Internet. Yahoo will give you a very good representation. This gives you a chance to identify both the good and bad hits you will be getting and a chance to identify the keywords that are common to both the good and bad hits, both equally valuable.
E dit search phrase as a result
  Create a boolean search expression from the common words discovered in your Yahoo search. Ex:
(Earthquake OR seismology) NOT (engineer OR prediction OR individual)
A dvance into a large database search engine -- Altavista or Excit
  Use your edited search expression on a large database such as Alta Vista or Excite.
R efine search phrase
  Again, examine the good and bad hits, identify more key words and incorporte them in your search expression...refine your search phrase.
C ycle back and Advance again
  Pretty clear!
H arvest resources
  Good Luck!
  Evaluating Web Sites

Remember that we talked about evaluating web sites based on the goals that you are your students have established for their information products. There are a number of files that are available to you for evaluating web resources in just this way. I am also writing an article on this subject. It can be downloaded in its current state from: