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Permission Template

One of the most important lessons that we can teach our students about Net-based information is the concept that information is property. It results from hard work and remains the property of its creator unless otherwise clearly indicated.

Most web authors are eager to have teachers use information from their web sites in the classroom. They are just as willing to have students use web information for their various reports. It is critical, however, that permission be gained from the owner of the information, and that the permission be documented.

Simply fill in the form to the right such that it carries the sense of the message text. When you click the Process Message button, you will be able to read and edit the entire message with your information inserted into the appropriate places. After reading and editing the message, you can click Send, and the message will automatically be sent to the web master or author.

Permission Templates

[Author's e-mail]
[Your e-mail]
Dear ,
[name of author or web master]
I am a student at in .
[Your school] [Your town & state]
I am writing a report about   and found your web site,
[Topic of Your Report]
.   Some of the material on your site would be very

[Title of Web Page]

helpful for my report. I would like to include the following items in my report:

[Describe Images or Text to be Used separated by commas]

I will not sell my report or otherwise make money from it, only a good grade.
I will give you or your organization credit as the source of the materials.
Would you grant me permission to use the materials as I have described here?
Please respond as soon as possible as my grade depends on turning the
report in on time.
THANK YOU for this valuable contribution to the Internet.

[Your Name]

v: 919-571-3292
f: 919-571-2760

Landmarks for Schools
Copyright 1998-2003 © by David Warlick
The Landmark Project