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Buj exchange comes Buy cheap Exchange Server 2016 Enterprise new features like connection filtering, receipt filtering. How many Exchaange per database in standard? Enterrise can only provide the information in the article. Role-based access control RBAC Buy cheap Exchange Server 2016 Enterprise. This article is about the server editions, which only differ in the number of mounted databases they can host, per the article. The DAG itself is only limited by the capabilities of all of its members. The recovery database does not count towards this limit. For Exchange Server there are two editions of the server product itself, and there is only one difference between them which is the number of mounted databases per server. Everybody always forget Journaling when they mention the difference between Standard and Enterprise Exchange licences. Journaling depends on the CALs you purchase, not the server licenses. There are no public folder databases in Exchange

Video Buy cheap Exchange Server 2016 Enterprise

Exchange 2016 Editions and Licensing