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BusyCal integration BusyContacts integrates with BusyCal allowing you BusyMac BusyCal buy key link contacts to events and to dos in your calendar, BusyMax flexible CRM capabilities BusyMMac scheduling meetings, follow Lumion 8.5 Pro price tasks, and tracking past activities. Smart Filters BusyMac BusyCal buy key Smart Filters are a powerful tool for filtering and formatting your calendar. Add a default alarm to new timed To Dos — Select this checkbox to include an alarm by default when creating new timed to dos. Email us if you would like a refund. BusyCal 3 The most powerful calendar app for macOS. Smart Filters Smart Filters are a powerful tool for filtering contacts and creating saved searches that can be applied with a single click. Attachments — Displays a menu for attaching files. The Info Panel has been completely redesigned in BusyCal 3 and boasts a cleaner, modern look with improved controls for selecting dates and times, adding locations, attendees and more. BusyCal allows you to tag events for tracking and filtering. You can change the frequency, the number of backups to keep, and the location for the backup folder on the Backup pane.